publisher Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development
Date 2018

The Frequency of Trichmonas Vaginalis, Candida Albicans And Bacterial Vaginosis in Vaginal Smear from Women of Reproductive Age

Sura Ihsan Abed Jabuk
publisher Journal of Global Pharma Technology
Date 2018

The Patho-Histological Change of Fetus Amniotic Sac as a Result of Bacterial Infection

Sura Ihsan Abed Jabuk
publisher Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development,
Date 2019

Bacterial Contamination of the Local Available Ice Cream in Hila City

Sura Ihsan Abed Jabuk
publisher Drug Invention Today |
Date 2019

The antimicrobial effect of some disinfectants to reduce the contamination of toothbrushes

Sura Ihsan Abed Jabuk